The music ministry at Disciples Christian Church is all about invitation and transformation through music and singing together. We don’t define ourselves as “traditional” or “contemporary” or “blended”. We choose music from ALL genres and styles, based on the liturgy and theme of the service. In a service we might sing a hymn from the Chalice Hymnal, a praise song from South Africa, a rocking gospel song, a prayer song in a Taize style, sacred jazz, a spiritual, Latin American praise chorus--you name it! Most important to us is that our music inspires and invites people into prayer and spiritual connection as a part of their daily faith journey. We have a group of dedicated singers who lead singing and an amazing drummer and bassist that enhance our musical life. 

Music Director, Amanda Powell brings a wealth of musical experience both inside and outside of the church. 

Sundays@2 Open mic afternoon including songs and stories from generations of community members.

Sundays@2 Open mic afternoon including songs and stories from generations of community members.


Director of Music and Worship, Amanda Powell began a series called Spirit Songs as a response to COVID19 and her desire to still find some way to sing together in community. The videos are sing/play alongs that invite people into a time of reflection and spirited singing.

Disciples Christian Church meets in the same building as the People’s Church and Restoration Height Church. In this video, the combined choirs of the People’s Church and DCC sing Israel Houghton’s Lord, You are Good to the delight of all in worship!


Bassist, Darren Frate and Amanda offer Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World as a moment of meditation in worship.