Welcome to Disciples Church—a movement for wholeness and healing. We are an inclusive, LGBTQ+ welcoming community, working to follow paths of love and justice as taught by Jesus. We focus on spiritual formation, equity, care for the earth, and the arts. Join us on this journey in whatever way is comfortable for you—-worship on Sunday mornings, volunteering with the Cultural Arts Center, praticipating in our Living Canvas art program, attending class offerings, and so much more.

We welcome all people, regardless of race, age, ability, gender, sexuality, political affiliation, or any other difference that might seek to divide us.

Your generosity allows Disciples to serve our wider community in numerous ways. Thank you.

See recent services on DCC’s YouTube channel!

10am Wednesday Bible Study

August 28th: Ephesians 6:10-20

September 4th: Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8

Sepetember 11th: Genesis 15:1-6

September 18th: Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15- 21

September 25th: Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8

Pictured above is DCC’s 39 panel (25,000 KwH) solar array located on our education building. We have been consistently addressing energy conservation in our building remodeling process as well as seeking alternative energy in order to reduce our carbon footprint.

Many thanks to Disciples member and photographer, Ron Werman.

DCC’s worship is in-person AND on zoom every week at 10am!

We craft worship services to be connective, invitational and participatory. ALL are welcome and we mean ALL! Musical offerings include a band, classical musicians, soloists and more. Musical styles range from traditional church hymns to global song to modern worship songs. Children participate in the first half of worship and then join Ms. Paige and Ms. Kaitie for Sunday school.

DCC is seeking applicants for our Music Director Position…

If you are interested in applying, please email our Administrative Assistant & Building Manager, Amy Campbell, at amy@discipleschristian.org with a letter of interest and resume.

Thank you for your interest, Rev. Jason  BricekrThompson

Disciples Christian Church Music Director Job Description

Part-time position: 12 to 15 hours per week with salary range $20,000-$25,000 comenserate w- experience and final scope of work.

Reports to senior minister

Pay commensurate with experience and duties


·      Works cooperatively with the senior minister and worship planning team to plan all worship services – Sunday morning, special programs and occasions, memorial services, etc.

·      Selects, prepares, performs, and directs vocal and instrumental music for worship.

·       Recruits, encourages, and directs volunteer musicians and musical groups to perform during worship services or other church events.

·      Auditions and hires music soloists and instrumentalists at the music director’s discretion.

·      Cultivates relationships with other artists in the building to encourage/coordinate their participation in worship.

·      Works within the music ministries budget to manage and prioritize expenditures including musicians pay, sheet music, music license fees, and any other music-related expenses.

·      Oversees maintenance of all church-owned pianos, keyboards and any other instruments.

·      Updates the appropriate church calendars as needed with musicians’ schedules, practices, piano tuning etc.

·      Provides articles of special interest for Church Life and church-related marketing materials as needed or desired.

·      Develops the annual music ministry budget together with the senior minister and stewardship committee or treasurer.

·      Arranges for replacement musicians to cover vacation or other vacancies.

A new monthly Arts Series, Living Canvas, on the second `Sundays at 4pm!

Sign up below to RECEIVE DCC’s monthly NewsletteR.